Cardiovascular disease explained
about the heart muscle is that the heart muscle is different than the skeletalmuscles it never has a chance to fullyrelax and recover it’s constantlybeating 24 7 whereas your other muscle scan have a chance to relax they don’thave to constantly work but that hearthas to keep working and when some onedies from a heart attackit’s actually the heart and muscle it self that stops Contracting andrelaxing it tends to quiver and then you basically die and so people don’t reallydie because of of the artery itself it’sthe heart muscle okay now it’s true that you can have a blocked artery that stopsthe blood flow to the heart muscle butyou die from the heart muscle malfunctioning because of a lack of oxygen it’s called hypoxia or is chemia which is a lack of blood flows and as
you know anytime you have a lack of oxygen to a muscle it cramps okay itstops Contracting and relaxing fo rmuscle to work it needs a lot of oxyge nunless you’re doing some short Sprintsthis high intensity type of exercisewhere you operate with a differentsystem where you don’t need oxygen butthat’s very short-lived and you can onlygo so far before you hit a wall now whensomeone gets heart attack sometimes I dothis test to measure this enzyme larotate dehydrogenase I did a video onthis which is an enzyme involvinglactate which I’ll get into in a minutebut when this enzyme is in higher amounts it could mean that you just hada
Heart attack within 24 to 72 hours but it can also mean other things too like B12 Anemia as in pernicious anemia it could mean that you have AIDS the kidney the liver pancreatitis it could even indicate that you have cancer because there’s destruction of the tissues and with this destruction comes hypoxia so
hypoxia can also Elevate this as well and show you how someone could actually get to this situation where they have too much lactic acid in their body lactic acid is related to lactate too much lactate gives you lactic acid and now the pH it goes down more acidic and then you run out of air really quick so where does lactate come from well it comes from
this uh kind of this compound called pyruvate and pyruvate is kind of amiddleman in this chain reaction andthat comes from glucose so when you burnglucose fuel it turns into pyruvate and then lactate and then eventually lacticacid now another name for glucose issugar right and you probably already know that sugar is not good for the heart and you may know that when youhave elevated glucose as in a diabeticthat glucose can really raise up your triglycerides because they convert tofat and you might also know that ifyou’re on a high sugar diet you’re goingto have high levels of LDL cholesterol
A hidden cause of heart attacks
glucose that has nothing to do with your diet okay nothing to do with what you ate and that is called
adrenaline maybe you were going to say cortisol and you’re correct on that but adrenaline is
also another hormone-like communication potent neurotransmitter that raises your glucose and adrenaline comes from stress and the more chronically stressed you are the more adrenaline you’re going to have the more glucose that your body is going to make or release which is going to turn into the paruvate the lactate and the
lactic acid and it’s going to createhypoxia there’s some fascinating research and I’ll put it the link DownBelow on this topic on the stress connection to heart attacks because stress creates hypoxia in a big waythrough adrenaline and cortisol too soeven when someone is has low bloodsugars adrenaline kicks in there andmobilizes a lot of the glucose in thebody to raise the blood sugar andcortisol does the same thing butadrenaline is designed for quick energyto if you’re chased by a tiger you haveto generate quick energy and so the bodyis going to release glucose but whathappens when you’re under constant stress over a period of time you’rebasically it’s like the same thing aseating a lot of sugar and even th
Though adrenaline creates a vasodilation to the coronary artery it createsvasoconstriction of the other blood vessels around the body to the pointwhere there’s no more vasodilation there’s this vasoconstriction so this could also explain if someoneI don’t know over exercises and they’renot a good shape and then they dropped out of heart attack because of this adrenaline situation it also explainsthe higher risk of getting heart attacksfrom a severe shock to the system of astress loss of a loved one loss of afriendloss of money loss of job loneliness
Divorce illness injury being in thesituation where you’re constantly fighting with someone or you’re being affected by them or you have a you know chronic anxiety anger or depression orjust being in a fear State can all raiseyour level of adrenaline to the point where you’re feeding way too much sugarto the body and especially the heart muscle and you’re generating a lot oflactate which is turning into lacticacid creating a bad situation for the heart muscle in fact very specificallywhen you have too much lactic acid inthe heart and muscle you start to develop arrhythmias like atrial fib that
doesn’t always necessarily just comefrom an electrolyte imbalance it cancome from this hypoxia because there’sdamage going on into the heart musclehigh blood pressure is another effect ofthis as well Harding of the art arteriesis another effect of this and eventuallynecrosis which is like your heart muscles start breaking down and dyingbecause you don’t have enough oxygen forarrhythmias especially atrial fib afterheart attack one of the medications theyuse is digitalis and digitalis doesincrease more blood flow but it also is a potent inhibitor ofthis lactic acid which is veryinteresting and is probably the reasonwhy it actually does keep people alive
the other interesting thing aboutadrenaline is that when you’re underchronic stress it’s going to raiseespecially your LDL cholesterol which isthe small dense particle size LDL aswell as increasing your triglyceridesnow normally those two would beincreased when you’re eating sugar you wouldn’t think they’d be elevated withstressadrenaline but yes adrenaline does do that so the real problem with a lot of people is they’re under this sympatheticnervous system dominance they don’t have enough of the opposing parasympathetic which is the calming which is
esponsible for rest and digestion right the sympathetic nervous system is allabout fight or flight mode fight meaningmore like the emotion of anger or flightmeaning the emotion of fear where you’rerunning away from something I’m bringingup this point because I want you to bevery aware ofI think a very common root cause ofheart problems that you can do something about okay once you identify this mechanism now there are other things
Other potential causes of heart attacks
That also increase lactate directly thatthen will increase lactic acid and ahypoxia that you should be aware of andone is smoking and vaping when peopleVape if you ever look at the ingredientsone of the ingredients is propyleneglycol that’s antifreeze okay propyleneglycol increases lactate especially whenit’s heated in a vapor State and I think they use it for the flavoring but I’mnot sure exactly why they use it but ifyou vape I would make sure that itdoesn’t have that ingredient but the other problem with vaping is that it hasnicotine which also increases adrenalineand can cause this whole Chain Reaction
just from that same thing with smoking Imean when you think about smokingthere’s no fat or cholesterol in smokingin a cigarette is there no there’s notthen why is it that smokers haveelevated cholesterol and triglyceridesbecause smoking increases adrenalinewhich then increases glucose which thenincreases cholesterol and triglyceridessmoking actually does not relieve stressit causes more stress and increasingyour chance for heart attacks because ofthis hypoxia smoking in general will increase your chance of a heart attackby 5 times vaping will increase your chance of getting a heart attack by two times now another thing that can createthis hypoxia is Tylenol poisoning
another one would be inflammation another would be diabetes and we’ve already talked about sugar the numberone type of sugar that will cause highlevels of lactic acid and lacticacidosis in this hypoxiais fructose you know that stuff that wedrink in sodas and these fruit juicesthat we shouldn’t be drinking it’s thefructose another thing that can causehypoxia is cyanide poisoning alcohol isanother one that can increase lacticacidosis and hypoxia and the medicationmeant for men it has a black label whichmeans that it has a very severe sideeffect called lactic acidosis and so
metformin can cause this state as welland this is why the next thing I’m goingto say makes a lot of sensea B1 deficiency and a B12 deficiency canincrease lactate lactic acidosis andhypoxia and that’s one of the things that metformin does is it creates a B1and B12 deficiency anything that createsa B1 B12 deficiency like sugar stressand just a lot of carbohydrates cancreate this hypoxiathis is probably why when people areunder stress and they take B1 orsometimes B12 they justthey can breathe better they have moreoxygen they feel less stressed so here’s
Heart attack prevention
have to reduce the triggers of your stress no matter you know whatever you can do for that especially if it’s
chronic okay but then number two you have to do things to kind of flush out the stress on a daily basis and this would be long walks walking in nature on a regular basis it flushes out adrenaline it flushes out cortisol with also intermittent higher intense exercise with lots of rest number three avoiding sugar okay well now you know why because you don’t want that to turn into lactic acid and hypoxia that’s called the ketogenic diet in taking B1 on a
regular basis can greatly help keep lactic acid at Bay and since we’re on the topic of the heart muscle one of the most important nutrients to increase the level of oxygen in the heart muscle itself is called tocatrinols it’s a type of vitamin E